Happy Independence Day of Ukraine

Happy Independence Day of Ukraine

On the threshold of a new summer, Ukraine celebrates its birthday — August 24.

33 years... Young, courageous, and yet full of wisdom, she has raised a generation that has become warriors, artists, and reformers. Her heart is filled with love, and her hands with work.
Today, as our country goes through its most difficult trials, words are born from the depths of the soul:
"I dreamed of Victory,
And though beautiful and young,
She came to the doorstep in the morning,
But her steps were heavy..."

Every step toward this Victory is sweat and tears, pain and hope, strength of spirit, and unbreakable faith:
"In those blue eyes — so much fatigue,
And pain, and anger, and the horror of war..."

But even in the darkest times, the light of faith never went out. Faith that will lead to the moment when one can say:
"But she smiled, she beamed,
As if she drove the shadow from her brow.
She entered my humble home, sat down.
She quietly said:
'I have arrived!'"

Happy Independence Day, dear Ukraine! May your heart always beat in the rhythm of freedom, peace, and love.
With best wishes, VAMP Team
