New product line VAMP

New product line VAMP

Using years of experience in the production of coolants, the Cherkassy Plant of Autochemistry introduces a new product line to the market - VAMP antifreezes on MEG (ethylene glycol).

The products are manufactured on the basis of 100% mono-ethylene glycol (ethylene glycol) of the highest grade using an ultra-modern additive package that provides stability, reliable protection and highly efficient operation of the engine cooling system.
These products are suitable for use in all types of liquid cooling systems of modern cars, trucks and off-road equipment.
G11 For cars of release since 1996. Replacement interval up to 2 years (be sure to consider the recommendations of the automaker).
G12 For cars of release since 2001, it is also possible to use in hybrid cars. The extended replacement interval is up to 5 years (the recommendations of the automaker must be taken into account).
Complies with the requirements of the specifications of foreign automakers and international standards.
Advantages of antifreeze VAMP:
• 100% top grade ethylene glycol (MEG);
• does not contain substances harmful to the cooling system;
• low foaming;
• corrosive effects on metals of the vehicle's cooling system (including aluminum) below the permissible norms;
• stable heat removal and protection from boiling due to low boiling point;
• contains a fluorescent component that will allow the car owner to easily determine if he has a leakage of the cooling system using a f / c lamp.
Antifreezes VAMP passed the state examination, on the basis of which issued the conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological service.