The history of the brand VAMP

VAMP brand begins its history in 1990 when private company "VAMP" was established, the main activity of which was the sale of various products - household chemicals, vehicle care products, fluids for vehicles.

Already in 1995, the company began to manufacture products under the VAMP brand name, first at Shostka chemical reagent plant, and then in 1998 at its own production facilities. In the same 1998, with the purchase of equipment for production of PE packaging, production was started in the original packaging. This was the first guarantee of product and packaging quality, timely logistics and market awareness.
It is safe to say that this is the first stage in the VAMP establishing as a brand.

Thanks to dynamic growth rates of production and sales, impeccable business reputation and quality, in 2002 we became the official supplier of VAMP products to the main line of “Auto ZAZ-DEU”.

In 2003 we entered the international market with VAMP products, in particular, we concluded an agreement for export of our brake fluids to Greece. From this moment active promotion of VAMP products for export began, and soon VAMP was present in stores in Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, UAE, Moldova, Georgia, Algeria, Poland and other countries.

2006 рік – ми вводимо в експлуатацію автоматичну установку з виробництва охолоджуючих рідин, а також автоматичну лінію розливу гальмівних рідин, яка в автоматичному режимі етикетує каністри, здійснює наливання продукту, герметичне закупорювання і маркування каністри. Впровадження автоматичних ліній дозволило не тільки збільшити виробничу потужність і об’єм продукції, а й контролювати процес виробництва і точного фасування продукції ТМ «ВАМП» за допомогою комп'ютерної системи. In 2006 we put into operation an automatic unit for cooling fluid production and also an automatic brake fluid filling line, which automatically labels the canisters, fills the product, seals and marks the canisters. Introduction of automatic lines made it possible not only to increase production capacity and the output, but also to control the production process and precise dispensing of VAMP products using a computer system

In 2007 we rebranded VAMP, updated and expanded VAMP product line, introduced a new canister, which was distinguished by modern design, ergonomic effectiveness, and a cap with a protective ring. Along with the canister the design of the label was changed. Both the new canister and the new label are made in the same corporate style.

In 2014 we extended VAMP range with new types of high-quality synthetics-based oils: 5W-30, 5W-40.

And we are not going to remain complacent! ...